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Assisi: via S.Francesco
Of Umbrian origins, the settlement became a Roman municipium under the name of Asisium. Until the 13th century the extension of the town coincided with the Roman one. Bishop Rufinus evangelised the inhabitants in 238 A.D. Taken by Totila in 545, it then became part of the Longobard and Frankish Duchy of Spoleto. In the 11th century a free commune is constituted: being of Ghibelline faith it always lived in opposition to the Guelfish Perugia. In 1198, taking advantage from the absence of the imperial vicar, Conrad von Lutzen, the inhabitants of Assisi attacked his fortress.
As Perugia tried to interfere with the liberation struggle of Assisi, the latter marched against Perugia and was beaten in a battle at Ponte San Giovanni. Among the prisoners taken by Perugia was a certain 22-years-old Giovanni di Bernardone, called Francesco. He was born in the winter between 1181 and 1182 as the child of a wealthy textile tradesman, Pietro di Bernardone, whose family came from Lucca, and his Provençal wife Pica. After the captivity in Perugia, Francesco decided to make a reputation for knighthood participating in the crusade of Walter de Brienne, but an illness forced him to renounce already at Spoleto. In the meantime, in Assisi in 1197 was christened the future emperor Frederick II, three years after his birth on the market square of Jesi (near Ancona). Francesco decided to change his life, renouncing to the riches and the eases of his family fortune and praying at San Damiano had the vision which ordered him to restore the Church (1205).
In 1208, Francesco who had in the meantime received as a gift from the Benedictines the chapel of S. Maria degli Angeli, called as well the Porziuncola, founded his order of the Grey-Friars. After his encounter with Chiara di Favarone di Offreduccio, daughter of a noble Assisi family, in 1212 he founded for her a second order, the Clarisse's. Finally, in 1221 he founded in Cannara the Third Order (a lay-order). In 1224 he recieved at La Verna the stigmata and in 1226 expired at the Porziuncola. Only two years later he was proclaimed saint and the day after Pope Gregory IX laid the foundation stone of the church and the convent planned by Brother Elias, a companion of the Saint. Also St. Clare was canonised two years after her death of 1253 and a year later begun the construction of the curch in her honour.

Assisi: via Merry del Val
Notwithstanding the presence of these two eminent religious figures the future history of Assisi did not show many traces of it. In 1316 it enlargened its town-walls, incorporating the convent and church of St. Francis, the Benedictine convent of S. Peter and the town quarter Borgo Aretino. The decline of Assisi begun after the black death in 1348. In order to assure the Pontifical dominion over Assisi, Cardinal Aegidius Albornoz erected in 1367 the Rocca Maggiore on top of the ruins of the former imperial fortress.
Since the 14th century and until the 16th century the two major Assisi families, the Nepis (of the upper town=Parte de Sopra) and the Fiumi (of the lower town=Parte de Sotto) continued to fight each other bitterly, although the town was dominated for long periods by several seignories (Biordo Michelotti, Broglio di Trinci, Galeazzo Visconti, Braccio Fortebraccio, Francesco Sforza, Jacopo Piccinino). Only under the reign of Pope Pius II Piccolomini (1458-64) the domination of the Church over Assisi has been definitely restored.


  General information
Assisi World Heritage 
Associations & Groups 
Tourist Guides and visit guided in Umbria 
General travel tips 
Useful - emergency numbers 
Weather information  
Lyrick Theatre Assisi 
Metastasio Theatre Assisi 
Local opening times 
Homes for sale, builders, properties, agencies 
Pope's arrival in Assisi and visit the Serafico Institute 
Pope Francis visit and prayer in the Porziuncola 
Pope Francis meeting with the youth in Santa Maria degli Angeli 

  Transport in town
Map of Hotels in Assisi 
Streets of Assisi 
Traffic restrictions 
Parking Mojano, historic centre 
Parking (others) 
Buses & Taxis 
Town map 
How to reach Assisi by car 
How to reach Assisi by Train  
How to reach Assisi by Air 

  Transport out of town
Local and national buses 

  Where to Stay
Farm Holiday & Country House 
Meeting & Conference Rooms 
Resort & Spa 
Historic Residences 
Apartments & Rooms for Rent 
Residence & Villa 
Bed & Breakfast in Assisi 
Youth Hostels 
Religious Boarding Houses 
Real estate agencies  

Casa del Cioccolato Perugina

  Where to eat and drink

Italian Language School for Foreigners 

  Art and monuments
The Rocca Maggiore 
Temple of Minerva 
Palazzo Capitano del Popolo 
Roman Amphitheatre 

  Art and religion
Eremo delle Carceri 
The Basilica of St Francis and the Sacro Convento 
The Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli 
The Basilica of St Claire 
Abbey of St. Pietro 
St. Damian's Convent 
St. Rufino Cathedral 
Church of Santa Maria Maggiore 
St. Francis of Assisi - 2, 3 and 4 October 


  Museums and galleries
The Porziuncola Museum 
Cathedral Museum and Crypt of St Rufino 
Municipal Art Gallery 
Treasure Museum & F.M. Perkins Collection 
Civic Museum & Roman Forum 

  Art and tourist attractions
Relais Assisi Villa Giulia 
Forest of Saint Francis - Assisi - FAI 
Along Via San Francesco 
Park of Mount Subasio  
The Calendimaggio :
the Ides of May Festivity

  News from Assisi
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All Assisi news

Tourist Groups Assisi Hotel Panda
 Regional News by Category

Typical Products FAIRS

Le Silve Assisi

  What to see & do
4th OCTOBER, Feast of San Francesco of Assisi 
Italian Language School for foreigners 
Holiday Farm and Resort near Perugia and Assisi 
Shopping in the historic centre of Assisi in the the main shopping streets and squares of Santa Maria degli Angeli 
Golfing holidays 
Park of Colfiorito 
Perugino exhibition and the Porziuncola chapel in Santa Maria degli Angeli - Assisi 
Assisi Farm Stay Colle degli Olivi 
Sapori Tipici Umbri, buy now 

  Lake Trasimeno
General Information Lake Trasimeno 
The islands - boat tours Lake Trasimeno 
Eating well by Lake Trasimene 
Where to stay by Lake Trasimene 
Bathing - Lake Trasimeno 
Mooring Lake Trasimeno 
Navigation regulations 

  Specials - In & Out of town
Assisi Sacrum 
Weddings in Umbria 
Wellness in Umbria - Assisi area 
Home in Umbria 
Honeymooning in Umbria 

Casa del Cioccolato Perugina

Extravirgin Olive Oil in Assisi 
Tips on shopping 
Fashion accessories 
Real Estate Agencies 
Furnishing and home decor 
Sports equipment 
Bars and Pastry shops 
Beauty & Body care 
Newsagents and Bookshops 
Wine bars 
Pharmacies and Herboristeries 
Photos and Optitians 
Fine foods 
Jewellery and Watches 
Internet points 
Souvenirs, Objects and Gadgets 
Travel Agencies 
Pizzerias and Restaurants 

  Typical products
Norcia Ham IGP 
Mushrooms selling 
Truffles selling 
Extra Virgin Olive Oil selling 
Wine selling